Utopians Online is Free. This visually stunning erotic drama follows a young man who finds himself unexpectedly attracted to his handsome, outspoken male professor. Despite — or perhaps because of — his conservative upbringing, Hins is intent on getting close enough to Ming to understand him. It’s an experience that transforms his life and comes to define his adult identity.
- Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Country: Hong Kong, Thailand
- Director: Scud
- Cast: Adonis He, Jackie Chow, Chin Ching-Man, Yu-Hong Wang, Jie Shui, William Tang, Wong Hei, Yin-chi Wong, Flora Cheung, Timmy Hung, Amy Ai Mei-Kei, Christopher Tsang, Oscar Yeung, Derek Lai, Ben Fu Wai Bun, Simon Tam, Yuen Ka Wai, Haze Leung, Mui Chun Ho, Dou Dou, Wen Wen,