The Mysterians
The Mysterians Online is Free In Japan, scientifically advanced invaders from the war-destroyed planet Mysteroid cause an entire village to vanish, then send a giant robot out to storm the city by night, after which they request a small patch of land on Earth and the right to marry earthling women, claiming to be pacifists. Mankind must decide whether to capitulate or to resist.
- Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Drama, Thriller, War
- Country: Japan
- Director: Ishirō Honda
- Cast: Kenji Sahara, Yumi Shirakawa, Akihiko Hirata, Momoko Kôchi, Yoshio Tsuchiya, Takashi Shimura, Yoshio Kosugi, Susumu Fujita, Fuyuki Murakami, Yutaka Sada, Hisaya Ito, Tetsu Nakamura, Sōji Ubukata, George Furness, Harold Conway, Heihachirō Ōkawa, Ren Imaizumi, Rikkie Sanjô, Tadao Nakamaru, Hideo Saeki, Takuzō Kumagai,